Last week our colleague Pietro held the practical seminar BIM of the VDI Wissensforum GmbH. A great day with exciting topics and great participants.
On 27.11.2019 the Mercure Hotel hosted the seminar Building Information Modeling organized by the VDI Wissensforum.
With us our Senior BIM Manager Pietro.
In the approximately 6-hour seminar, he presented the topic of BIM to the participants, including project managers of infrastructure construction projects, construction supervision students, project management and building technology managers as well as public administration employees.
In the first part of the seminar, the basics were first taught.
Topics included:
- Goals and Uses of Building Information Modeling
- Software applications and interfaces (IFC)
- How planning disciplines work together with BIM
- Open BIM – Closed BIM – advantages and disadvantages
- How to Implement Building Information Modeling
- Dealing with BIM services of planning partners
“Does it have to be so complicated?”
In the second part of the event, Pietro presented Building Information Modeling on the basis of past and current construction projects of COPLI CONSULTING. These include residential buildings, office and administrative complexes, research institutes and international high-rise projects.
All of these presented special challenges (not just BIM-related) and had to overcome obstacles and create conditions.
The topics BIM implementation, standards, modeling and data management played a large part in this.
“How do I find the right BIM coordinator for my company?”
In particular, the roles of the BIM Coordinator and BIM Manager were highlighted. Thus, the required capabilities have been demonstrated, such as the interface management, modeling skills or knowledge in the various tools such as Solibri. However, not only does this make the right BIM Coordinator. The correct understanding of a planning process as well as the practical experience in the different phases of the HOAI are essential characteristics.
If you also want to have a real insight on how BIM works based on our reference projects, feel free to contact us.
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